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Apples and Oranges In The Whitehouse

If it’s of any interest—and following the example of my good friend Daniel Suelo—here’s my two cents on the US presidential race.

First off, I don’t think either candidate is ideal, but it is what it is, and apparently there’s nothing for it except vote for the least worst candidate. (Let’s face it, a vote for an Independent is the same as staying at home)

Donald Trump is an insufferable ass, but that shouldn’t disqualify him from being President. After all, we’ve all had bosses that we didn’t like, but, if pressed, would still concede that they do a good job of running the company. So it should be for a country too; boldness and leadership are much more important than likeability.

Kamala Harris, on the other hand, is much more likeable and relatable. However her actual credentials for doing the job are questionable. (At least Trump has some track record) Her performances that I’ve seen range from her downright wacky ‘unburdened’ mumbo-jumbo, to reciting skilfully crafted pieces to camera on Debate Night. Though I find her likeable, I haven’t yet sensed any great substance.

To his credit, Trump has plenty of substance and seems fearless to speak his mind, and I daresay, if elected, he will do his damnedest to execute his ideas fearlessly. This could be a good or bad thing, however, being a successful businessman does carry with it the bonus of him being less likely to sell out to corporate interests (emphasis on ‘less’).

The Democrat Party seems to be a shambles, and allegations of election tampering just don’t seem to want to go away. There seems little doubt that they have no issue with selling out in any way they can. Remember, it was their ongoing shenanigans that got Trump elected in the first place, as love for Hillary turned to hate almost overnight. Trump only got in on the anything-but-Hillary ticket.

So, on the face of it, there’s not much to get excited about in either candidate. But, there’s a but.

In considering both candidates, there’s almost no useful comparison you can draw; they are so different in every way, it’s like comparing an apple to an orange! 😉 There is, however, one thing that we can unequivocally compare them on: One stands for exclusion, and the other stands for inclusion.

One of these fundamentally opposing ideologies will undoubtedly shape the next administration. No matter how poorly those aspirations are executed in the quagmire of the US political system, the fundamental drive to include or exclude will inevitably shape policy and the national zeitgeist in some significant way.

There are so many good reasons not to vote for either candidate that, for those on the fence, it must just seem pointless. But, I think a vote for inclusion is always better than a vote for exclusion. Inclusion is the future; exclusion is the past. We are all in this together, and continuing to segregate humanity in a shrinking world is a fool’s errand.

I honestly wish there were better options, but in their absence I see a clear choice:

Vote for the apple! 🍏 Vote Harris.

Published in Blog


  1. denise ward denise ward

    I’m totally cleased out on the idea of voting for a person. This makes no sense at all and the proof is that they wouldn’t let us do it if it had any meaning. It keeps the livestock fighting each other over Coke or Pepsi arguments though and that’s all part of their modus operandi. I wish humans would realize that they are being prodded like livestock and wake up to the techniques. I don’t want a boss, why do you want one? I believe the country can be run by localized communities and that we can all have a say on every single matter. It would be done coherently and systematically of course, and precisely so that we woiuld know exact numbers of how many voted for what. It wouldn’t be people, it would be proposals that we vote on because voting on people maintains our impotency. Voting on proposals is what gives us power. And we can make the proposals too. No need for some fat headed suited guys to do it for us, like we’re still children needing a daddy to hold our hand.

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