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What if money were no object?

What would you do if money were no object? A familiar question I’m sure. Often we fantasise about the choices we’d make if we had enough money to act without fear. But there is another interpretation of this familiar idiomatic question that is much less considered.

What if money literally were no object? ie. what if it didn’t exist at all? What if we never traded? What if we never got paid, and everything was free? Sounds crazy, right? Well it’s not so crazy as you might think, and, chances are, you’re already engaging in this kind of behaviour. Continue reading What if money were no object?

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Education over regulation

[Originally submitted to the Global Challenges Foundation A New Shape Prize 2017]

It has always been my belief that to solve anything, you must go to the source of the problem. Anything less is just easing symptoms. Sometimes easing symptoms can buy you time to focus on the actual solution, but in practice this rarely happens, and the false sense of security it gives usually means we end up living from one round of symptom-easing to the next.

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Look out, the collapse isn’t coming! Four reasons why capitalism won’t crash

Among the weird and wonderful money-free activist community, there are many doomsday sayers seemingly enthralled with the prospect of the imminent collapse of the financial system and capitalism. While I confess a part of me would certainly relish that spectacle, my overwhelming rationale draws me back.

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Colin’s Facebook Pages & Projects


Although Facebook pages’ reach has plummeted over the years, they do still offer valuable social proof that people are interested in the ideas that you promote. Here I’ve made it super-easy for anyone to check and add a like to each of the various projects I am involved in. If you like these ideas, please  like and follow these Facebook pages. Continue reading Colin’s Facebook Pages & Projects


A Vegan Argues Against Veganism

As a self-professed 99% vegan* for more than five years, I have, in my social filter bubble, been exposed to pretty much every argument, meme and statistical fact in favour of veganism out there. Everything from the shape of our teeth (or not), to comparing meat and broccoli proteins, to those hilarious 9GAG cartoons bemoaning the vegan’s lot when it comes to socialising among ‘normal’ people. Continue reading A Vegan Argues Against Veganism


Is It Time For A New Magna Carta?

On June 15th 1215, King John of England met a rebellious group of English barons in a meadow by the Thames to discuss peace terms in an effort to avert civil war. Deeply unpopular and his kingdom in turmoil, the king wasted little time in agreeing to the barons’ terms and affixing his royal seal to their Magna Carta Libertatum (Great Charter of the Liberties) – or Magna Carta as it later became known.

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911 and the Implosion of Common Sense

It seems to be a rite of passage that if you subscribe to the ideology of a money-free world, you must also believe that 911 was an ‘inside job’. There may be a few reasons for this. Firstly, Peter Joseph’s popular and controversial film ‘Zeitgeist’ (2007) which tackled 911, religion, the banking cartel and other challenges to mainstream thinking may have had a lot to do with it. The movie was a thrilling exposé which ultimately spawned The Zeitgeist Movement, other movies and books promoting a money-free philosophy.

But perhaps the link between the 911 ‘inside job’ conspiracy theory and the money-free ideology lies at the heart of where these kinds of conspiracies come from and how they take hold. But more on this later.

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Interview with a Freeworlder: Who would be in charge? [3/3]

Who would be in charge?

No-one – and everyone!

The thing is to stop being dependent on outside agencies by becoming responsible and self-regulating. Once we assume ultimate responsibility for ourselves and others, we will always act in ways that serve each other in a positive way.Regulation is merely a blunt tool to stop people doing stupid or crazy things, but in a properly educated society, this is no longer necessary. We can cultivate appropriate behaviour through education, not brute force.

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